martes, 4 de marzo de 2025

Our great year

Summer is considered the best season for everyone because people don't usually work suring this season. In this season, lots of people go to the beach, or to summer parties and many other things people go for fun. I usually go to the beach with my familly or friends to have fun. In summer, many parties take part, like Santa Ana's party in Molvizar, o San Antonio in Lobres.

Spring is the most wonderful season of the year, it has many beautiful flowers with lots of colours on them. This season is represented by the beautiful almonds and pink leaves. This season takes part in March, April, May and June. I love this season it is so good to go for a walk in nature with your family and friends. In this season, there are many holidays, like Easter week.

About tennis


The Australian Open is an important tennis tournament for tennis, many professionals players participate on this tournament, like Carlos Alcaráz, Mevedev, Djocovik and Rafa Nadal, who used to play this tournament and won it twice. This Open takes place in Australia, at Melbourn Park, and it is one of the most important tournaments in tennis, and it is the first tournament of the Grand Slam.

A: Hello Rafa, how do you feel taking part in our show?
Rafa: Good good, it is nice to take part in your interview.
A :Good, so I am going to ask you some questions that you have to answer and you can pass to the next question if you don't want to asnwer, right? Let's begin this interview. What was your favourite part of playing tennis?
Rafa: The thing in the tennis i liked most was to play for fun and not competing.
A: Ok ok, soo.... Do you play as well with your drive as your backhand?
Rafa: No, I don't, because my dominant hand is the left and I used to play on backhand.
A: Ok, soo what sports do you usually play that is not tennis.
Rafa: I'd like to play some basket with my sons and I recently tried a sport named paddle tennis, it is about same as tennis, but with walls, it's so fun!
A: Ok ok..... Soo this is the interview, thank you Rafa for your time!
Rafa: No problem! It's nice to be here, bye!

Our little change

 Solar panels are special products wich produce solar energy that work like normal electricity. These products are used not to waste too much enegry, like some people putting them for example on vigilance cameras. It's a great option to use in your house, you can save so much money on your electricity bills. But the problem is they take too much ti
me to install them on your house, and they   cost 
too much.


 Smartphones are something that we use daily, but they cause many problems in the society only if you use it for bad things, like cyberbulling.

People usually use them to comunicate with friends, parents..., and this is an advantage for us because imagine if you have a problem with your car, you just call a mechanic with your phone or talk with your parents asking for help. But phones have lots of disadvantages, like people using them for cyberbulling, or they stay lots of hours looking at the phone on aplications like Tik Tok, or Instagram. I used to have this problem about using it too much, but not any more, the thing I just did is just put it far from me for no distractions.

I told you!

 Many people in class doesn't sit properly, and they can can hurt their backs. Teachers do not allow studients to have a bad posture in class, they correct them to sit well on their chair. The good posture consists of putting all your back on the back rest of the chair, this can help you to have a good health for you and your back. I know people that have those problems and they got hurt, so take care about your health having a good posture on the chair.


 Football is a sport that was created on 1863, in England. This sport is about eleven people on each team trying to put ball using their legs (they can use their body too, but they are not allowed to use the hands) on a goal. There are many different positions on football, like defender, midfield, forward or goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is the only player that can use their hands, but if he is on his area. Players are not allowed to hurt or hit their opponents, if this happends, they can receive a foul for the other team, a yellow card, a red card, or worse, they will be expelled of the match.


 History about CINDERELLA

The history of Cinderella its about a girl, who is treated terribly by her stepsisters, then she experiences a bit of magic form her fairy godmother and is able to go to ball dressed as a beautiful princess. There she falls in love who person who turns out to be a prince.

Sept art

 Hints to find out my favourite film.

First clue, the character who starts this film is Seong Gi-hun.
Second clue, the film takes part in South Korea.
Third clue, one more character who apears on this film is Hwang In-ho.
Fourth clue, the characters have to play many children's games, like the gonngi.
Last clue, it is a se
ries with 7 chapters.

Our great year

  Summer is considered the best season for everyone because people don't usually work suring this season. In this season, lots of people...