lunes, 10 de junio de 2024


 I have almost finished 2º ESO, so I'm going to give you some tips for this year. Some people are going to say that 2º ESO is going to be a very hard grade, but from my point of view, it is very easy if you study a little bit every day.

Here are some pieces of advices:
You must pay attention to the teachers, you must respect other teachers and students, you must do your homework every day, you should participate in class a lot, you should go to the toilet like 3 or 4 times a week, you can’t eat and drink anything in class, you shouldn’t be late for class, you must respect the material, you shouldn’t make much noise in class, you mustn’t talk to other students when the teacher is talking, you should help other students in class.

If you have class with Albert, then here are some advices to help you:
You should make him happy keeping your folder tidy and clean, you must pay attention to him, you must do your homework, you should do comments and the writing exercises to have a great mark, you must respect him, you must go to the toilet before a exam, you can’t eat chewing gum
in his class.

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